
The Cheapest Way to Get to Machu Picchu (Updated 2019)

The Cheapest Way to Get to Machu Picchu (Updated 2019)

Want to know the cheapest way to Machu Picchu? Let us show you the way! Not only will it save you at least $150, but it will also be one amazing travel adventure.

21 Things to Know Before a Moroccan Road Trip

21 Things to Know Before a Moroccan Road Trip

A road trip in Morocco? Doesn't that just conjure up a feeling of adventure, wanderlust and stories to be told? Well, the reality is that driving in Morocco is an experience all on its own - read our tips and advice top help plan your own Moroccan road trip!

12 Tips for Staying Safe in Latin America

12 Tips for Staying Safe in Latin America

Heading to Latin America and worried about safety? Then this guide's for you. Whilst it's not nearly as dangerous as your mum thinks, there are some simple precautions any visitor to the region should take.

Crossing Borders | Argentina to Bolivia

Crossing Borders | Argentina to Bolivia

Our overview on the costs, the transport options and the typical journey times to cross the Argentina - Bolivia border at La Quiaca - Villazon. There may be queues....