travel insurance

Do You Really Need Travel Insurance?

Do You Really Need Travel Insurance?

Not sure if you need backpacker travel insurance before your next adventure? It can be a confusing and contentious issue amongst travellers - here's our experience and our view on what to do about travel insurance.

12 Tips for Staying Safe in Latin America

12 Tips for Staying Safe in Latin America

Heading to Latin America and worried about safety? Then this guide's for you. Whilst it's not nearly as dangerous as your mum thinks, there are some simple precautions any visitor to the region should take.

Where to get Travel Insurance When You're Already Abroad

Where to get Travel Insurance When You're Already Abroad

Already left but forgot to buy travel insurance? Out of the UK and can't renew? Currently travelling and need a new policy to cover the rest of your trip? We've found an affordable solution for you. 

Why We're Glad We Were Insured and Vaccinated (And Why You Should Be Too!)

Why We're Glad We Were Insured and Vaccinated (And Why You Should Be Too!)

Off on an adventure? Our recent experience along the rail tracks in southern Peru will underline exactly why both pre-trip vaccinations and travel insurance are entirely necessary for every backpacker.