central and mexico

The Best Hostels in El Salvador

The Best Hostels in El Salvador

Whilst El Salvador's hostel scene may not be nearly as large as other Central American countries, it still has a few gems! Here are the best hostels in El Salvador.

Playa Gigante | You Could Have Been Perfect....

Playa Gigante | You Could Have Been Perfect....

Playa Gigante could have been the perfect backpacker beach town, however it lacks two essential ingredients.

12 Tips for Staying Safe in Latin America

12 Tips for Staying Safe in Latin America

Heading to Latin America and worried about safety? Then this guide's for you. Whilst it's not nearly as dangerous as your mum thinks, there are some simple precautions any visitor to the region should take.

How We Learned Spanish in Latin America - And You Can Too

How We Learned Spanish in Latin America -  And You Can Too

Travelling to Latin America? Then you simply have to spend some time learning Spanish - it will make your trip so much easier and more enjoyable. Here's how we did it with, mostly, free on-line resources!